Many reverberate their footprints in life

but just one truly lives. 

It is he that painlessly pierces the heart

and writes his name on its pages.

         - how? 

don't ask me

because you already know

and you know, you know, how

our soft words travel the miles 

into quenching infernos and quieting

 raging storms dancing hip-hop in many souls,

you know, how a knock of love on your neighbour's door

or a wow kiss in his lonely palm

can highlight the brightness on his face. 

He would even sing a psalm 

because you became a saviour,

you pulled over his wounds, 

the Balm of Gilead. 

And this is how we appear in the 

heartbook's significant chapters. 

What is humanity without an endless stretch of love, 

What is life without love

if we want it not to be in vain! 

I say, he that truly lives is he that lives to love. 


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