Life, a journey to once have.
Life, a container of mysteries untold.
Hidden truths and lies lie right between every second that passed by and passes by.
Like flowers, we blossom and promise ourselves tomorrow
That we'll grow so much beautifully, increase in size and expand our territories,
That we'll establish ourselves and develop the nectars of life so the butterflies of this world can taste of us some sweetness.
That from the transfer of our pollens, others will enjoy productiveness.
But you know?
Tomorrow sometimes just end up in sorrow
And has left most of our colourful dreams in nothingness - totally shattered.

The winter might have become too bitter-cold.
Sometimes, the stessing of the sun's rays cause others to lose their green vigor.
Other times, the pests of life come to eat the burrows in our stems, fruits and roots.
At some point, the moisture we get aren't sufficient enough so we wither.
Well! Others also stunt in growth.
And from all these, most of us die totally and have no hope of shining out.
And that becomes our end,
Passing so quickly as a flash.

So I keep warning you about our existence, a short fragrance.
That our lives are just for very little days
So again I say, 'watch your pace!'
Because we find ourselves in this race where the walkways remain unknown and will forever be.
Each day carries its own different story
And that of tomorrow's still remain a mystery; glorious or gory
Remember, life is short and time is swift;
Clasp the time,
Chances do fly; Take them once,
Remember your creator now while you still have breath.
Que sera sera
But let's get our now secured.


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