There was a time,
When we first shied in each others eyes
But when we ended up being deeply acquainted,
We even wanted the best for ourselves and would rarely let our tongues go against each other.
Before, whenever I watched you closely in the eye,
I saw the bright colours of true love nicely drawn with its sparks on the retina.
But what i see now is much drearier than I can say.

We're now distanced like heaven and earth.
The wave of deadness has submerged our relationship.
It blew heavily from your side when you allowed them to put one over on you that easily,
When you became so gullible to accept all the lies they told you about me,
When you over-reacted your conscience.
You allowed your emotions and feelings to ride over the truth when you just could have waited for explanation.
You over used your words.
Sometimes, you became too naive
You just allowed the locusts to eat up the years we built together.
You've just thrown us asunder.

See how we've now been locked up in age's cave
In the very shelves of forgetfulness.
And for the time we've been left there, our memories look like being washed;
We act as though we had no good times together.
Like the sun and moon, we no more meet up.
For times without number, we have acted as strangers.
You trashed down the residues of our early love,
Count no more the sacrifices we made for each other and the very times we spent together although we never promised its fading away.
And so I give up cos i have realized the love was made to be but for a short while.


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