I eagerly counted down the days until I could return home after my school vacation. I had been working on a few things I needed to complete and submit before heading home. I prayed fervently that I would finish early and finally get some much-needed rest at home because I was utterly exhausted from my time on campus. Finally, the day approached, and I began packing all the things I would need for my journey home into a big bag. However, that bag turned out to be much heavier than I had anticipated. I couldn't manage it alone, especially with my school bag strapped across my back. 

In my moment of need, my sister, who was around, came to my rescue. Together, we embarked on the journey to the station, hoping to catch a ride to the main gate and then another one straight home. As we trudged along, navigating the familiar school paths, we suddenly felt a presence behind us. Turning around, I was taken aback to see one of the guys from my hostel approaching us. He insisted on helping us with our heavy luggage, and my initial thought was that he might have been doing it just because my sister was a female. However, to my surprise, he hoisted the cumbersome bag onto his shoulders and effortlessly carried it for us. We were heading in the same direction, and he was on his way to watch a football match at a hostel close to the station. Even when we reached the spot where he originally intended to go, he insisted on accompanying us all the way to the station. His cheerful demeanor and willingness to help touched my heart. It was truly unexpected because, in the past, our interactions had been quite different. Whenever our paths crossed in the hostel, he maintained a stoic expression and rarely acknowledged my greetings. There were moments when I felt slighted, to the point where I had almost given up on extending any form of greeting or smile when we met.

This incident left a profound impression on me and reinforced a valuable lesson. It taught me once again that we shouldn't judge people solely based on their outward demeanor or initial interactions. While greetings and smiles are important, they are merely surface gestures. What truly matters is the heart. Friend, what matters is the size of one's heart; the kindness and willingness to help that resides in someone's heart. This unexpected act of kindness from a person I least expected it from reminded me that we all have the capacity to surprise each other with our genuine goodness. It reinforced my belief that kindness knows no boundaries and can blossom even in the unlikeliest of places.

As I continued my journey home that day, I carried not just my heavy bag but also a newfound understanding of the importance of looking beyond and giving people a chance to reveal their true character. It was a lesson that reminds me to approach every encounter with an open heart and a willingness to see the goodness that often lies hidden beneath the surface.

©️Wiliword 2023


  1. He should also learn to respond properly to people's greetings. That's also very important.
    Thank you tho Wili

    1. Oh yeah, Lewis!😂 The only thing is that, I've learnt not to judge people completely by their failure in expressing these gestures.


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