we only heal

from some scars


when we allow

our hands to touch

other people's wounds


"He who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown]" - Proverbs 11:25

Restitution comes from treating the wounds of others. Sometimes, the solutions to our own problems emerge in whole when we help others with their problems. Ours might be very dire and throbbing but it takes courage and strength for a scarred soul to help a wounded soul. Over a while now, I have fully come to accept the fact that, though we carry our individual anxieties and scars, it's quite easier handling people's issues than dealing with our own apparent problems. When we do too, we don't go barely; we get good number of lessons and experience to walk with. We obtain those full packages that assist us in our healing journey. Why not lend a hand to someone, then? Why shouldn't I also? There is a complete healing to find!!

As we water many different flowers, the subtle effect is that, we tend to water ourselves more than what the individual flowers receive

Best regards,



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