Let the amusing days come

And the terrible ones be permanently erased out of memories.

Let time reverse and walk me aback

through the picturesque lane to the garden of roses, 

cherry blossoms, tulips and orchids.

There are so many things to pick up on the lane up to the garden,

and few ones to have never touched.

Just take me aback and swing me happily on my mother's lap.

Let her rub her hand softly on my head and massage my feet.

Let her sing me a lullaby to sleep.

Oh take me aback to my childhood love and the 98 plus 1 

letters we passed under desks.

Please allow me to send one more to her,

It should have been 100, kindly walk me aback.

Take me aback and let me find the whole of X-mas, 

land in my house every December.

25th is just here,

walk me aback and help me send my tall list to Daddy;

He will never disappoint his little boy.

Replay all those hilarious stories

and bring me the lessons of my childhood.

Take me aback... 


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