Love, nicely presented; love denied

Love, put on open exhibition; love unselected

Love shown; love jested

Love shared; love lost.

On all that I've suffered, love is most.

The continuous acts of wanting attachment,

Consistent signs of hunger for closeness 

Were winked at.

For times without number, 

I've felt pain, known shame

suffered rejections, slept with dejection

not only from the opposite man but all of humankind

And isn't that enough?

Do I need to add more scars to the soul now? 

In fact, I've learnt timeless lessons

and that's enough.

So at this dawn of realization,

I cease to force love back on anyone.

When the mirror has no reflection of the image set before it, you don't still keep it in place.

It's simply therapeutic;

I have to save my emotions from any further scar.


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