I'm a man, a gentle little one

virtually taking after the nature of Ɔdomankoma, the eternal one.

My life is but the lacing of God.

I have no choice—

On the shoe He picks, 

the length of lace He pulls 

Or the holes He skips; I'm only His.

I'm a man,

but a gentle little one.

I may not be your favourite guy,

made to match the modern world's type 

But to the Mastercraftman, I'm His pride;

the apple of His eye.

Take me to tread on thin ice

And l'll never die 

because on each ride, 

He is always by my side. 

I'm a man, 

but a gentle little one.

I really do nothing out of ordinary

but many swirl around me like a swarm of honey bees clustered on a sweetgum tree,

never wanting to leave.

Maybe it's the 'Man' they see in me

Causing glory to radiate through this little being.

But I, I'm only a man;

a gentle little one.

I'm a gentleman,

an eager beaver,

The young scribbler,

sculpting mighty thoughts dropped from the windows of heaven.

Yes! that's me, a gentle little one.


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