31 TO 1

She took the front seat,

adjusted her glasses to sit on the bridge of her nose and stared broadly at the auditorium. 

During worship, she forced herself to soak in the solemn song for everyone to see as though she was the Holiest Mary.

"Me de me ho ama Jesus O!", she took the microphone and sang, knowing vividly she just had acrobatic body dance on Abu's sheet few minutes before church service.

It's time for sermon and the Holy willie who smeared a couple of slaps on his wife's face before driving in speaks on forgiveness, 

gazing at his wife from the corner of his eye.

"Raga-she-mama...!!", the chief thief who got all door keys in his palms raised his hands almost touching the ceiling and screamed his lungs out in the prayer session.

From 31 to 1, attitudes and character change only for that time,

they leave the bar, sex work and daily crime

because there is this thought of needing protection to see the next day, next year.

All the seats get taken and the place gets ovecrowded;

If Jesus came as a man, he would sweat.

Sinners prayers take the whole air

And if Jesus was a man right among them, he would suffocate.

They search for redemption,

and crave for mercy. It's insincere.

Only unsatisfied desires suppressed from 31st to 1st

And for the rest of the days, they roll things back to the former. Eek!


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