What then shall we say to these things in the end?

The heart placed on coals, 

tossed and made a home of restlessness,

Eyes bulging out of tiredness, 

yet keeping the desire to take the course. sleepless!

cramming several slides hard to grasp sometimes,

using up all hours on a calculation and it was always 

like nothing is done. 

For these particular days, time ran thrice faster.

The plethora of assignments,

O the billion songs of presentations

sliced our throats almost to the casket but we never died.

Vulnerabilities were laid bare, heads ached, tears were shed, 

many hearts trembled inside the chest,...

Add yours because I know you've gone through a lot,

you've passed through the vale of tears.

Yet in all, here we are flying in the air, glorious flags in celebration of the semester's end. 

Tell me it wasn't God and I've got countless number 

of proofs to make you wrong.

This is the toughest survival we've had.

The sailing ships have finally settled at the shore and their strengths are not gone.

They survived the hurricane storms in the hectic journey.

It's been God,

It's God,

and it'll forever be God.


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