"Let us walk through the sand

Take them one by one

Son, slowly, slowly ... "

Teaching my itsy bitsy feet to take up steps, he sang,

holding up my hands as I gently moved forward my right toes

and forced my whole body to follow.

He picked me up anytime I fell,

made it a modus operandi till my ankle bones developed well

where I could walk alone, fearless and live in my own shell.

If I have the best of both worlds today,

then understand it's from his grooming.

If you savour anything of man, a gentleman in me,

then first know its trace from him.

Forget about Flash, Spiderman, Batman, Superman or any other power ranger

whom I dreamt as a child to be like in future.

If I would ever have a best dream,

It is growing up to become the man from whose seed I emerged.

If I would ever follow the steps of any man,

then it is he who for many years back had trailed mine.

Like a mighty warrior, he proves his braveness.

His protection flies on eagle wings and reaches everywhere.

He is the world's best disciplinarian,

and the provider of life's core demands.

He sights from afar and makes things pleasantly fall in places.

Who can be a better role model than a Dad?


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