A giant glittering jab of light came into sight 

in the night sky—

On the birth of one little but great man.

From the East, it led the feet 

of men to the yonder stall

Where the baby laid.

Presented gifts and at His feet, 

shepherds fell—

in wondrous worship 

Who is He? Ɔyɛ Yesu!

Ears tingling with the goodnews of the Son's peace,

Herod's heart only missed a beat.

Why? He couldn't watch his eyes behold 

the glorious Son take his royal seat.

He made plans, evil ones 

To slice His throat

But as prophesies are still, all came to naught.

Whose birth is flying so much happiness in the air?

Who is this gentle one?

Ɔyɛ Yesu!

He's been the crown of Beginning,

The spine of the back,

Ocean tides, Ocean of Life,

Brilliant beams of light extending from the clouds.

He is Jesus Christ, 

the saviour of mankind;

Ɔyɛ Yesu Kristo,

Wiase Agyenkwa!


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