Hey Dear,

I know you're in deep water;

The wheels have left off your hands,

You've fallen into a quagmire of confusion,

your heart throbs in pain everyday,

your head aches

But breathe! Just breathe!

Shall I sing you a lullaby?

My heart aches for you  

because I've once walked on hot coals too

and I know how it feels.

I'm no stranger to how bad life can be. 

The knack is, as I walked through those troubles,

I never walked slowly, 

neither did I, faster.

I only learnt to walk swiftly without rushing. Yes! swiftly without rushing.

Listen, life never promised perfection.

Its perfection is the greatest illusion.

So Love, relax!

Darling, rest!

Maybe, I should help by singing you one of those soothing songs

 with the perfect balance of rocking music that tingle in the ears

 and cause rest.

Even so, to be able to take the weight off your shoulders,

For once, you'd have to be a child imbibing all the sounds

and melodies of the lullaby.

Be a child, 

Hear the sounds—

of this lullaby.

Stop the cries,

Calm down and come back higher.

Yours lovingly,



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