When I say I have more than a song, 

my words are far beyond

what the psalmist says 

that "If it had not been the Lord 

who was on our side—

let Israel now say"

     I have kept these cold words for long, so long ad now, I let them melt. That they flow from the hills to valleys, that they uplift men to see the awesome God's goodness:

     On one sunny day, taking a nap in the alcove, relishing some good times I've had, I heard the shuffling of feet on our verandah. I first wondered who it could be because everyone of us had left the place: the serene and crisp afternoon air outside, and dispersed to the various rooms. I don’t know how it happened quickly yet later on, my thoughts rightly went back to what I was thinking before - the good old days.

     She briskly walked past every door and came directly before mine. Gently, she turned the keys backwards to open and forced her full body in. As shrewd as she was, she again locked the door behind her as she made majestic steps to close the gap between her and my bed. Goodness, my heart almost jumped out of my chest immediately I saw the figure standing before me. Early on, I had heard the steps but ignored because I thought it's probably mum or sissy until her weird smile caused me to glance over. She was all black, and I mean all black! Nothing about her was beautiful. So scarier that her eyes only kept rolling and she gave that evil smile again. There was apparently no difference between darkness and her.

     She pounced on me with the readiness of taking me in. In this shiver and rivulets of sweats running down my face, I struggled on the bed and tried all routes of escape. Maybe, I was being that good boy Joseph in the Bible. However she was a black ugly Potiphar's wife and this time around, the two doors to exit were kept well locked. Just me and her in the room, just the two of us! Her grip was so strong that no word can describe.

     She almost took me in until instantaneously, the door broke at once, a voice raised out loud, a magnificient light shown, Daddy entered and rebuked her need, got her out with a shellacking I had never witnessed before. He watched until she shamefully disappeared into the thin air. 

    She had already given me thousand kisses and they really tasted no good in the mouth and heart. If just the kisses of Miss Death were so bitter, could you then imagine an affair with her if Daddy Jesus hadn't rescued? Where would I have been if this wonderful man had not appeared out of the blue? Where would I have been?

     If it had not been for the Lord who was on my side, let me now say!


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