Dear Morning Bird
Hear the chirps of your little fellows,
The sun shining glamorously in its new clothe,
The colourful trees chancing upon the breeze,
So cold to fall off their dead leaves
And start the new day's work.

Dear morning bird
I know this reminds you of another beautiful day
And yeah, here I come again
With my well-written wishes counting on you as usual.
I have all my heart poured on this folded paper, dear morning bird.

As I send you today,
Tightly tying up the letter and hanging it on your lower mandible;
Between your two long rock climbing beak,
Please don't speak,
Let it remain shut.
Don't allow it to be blown by the heavy winds
Nor let the rains wash away the words.
Be shrewd to fly pass those evil birds
who devour the little ones.

Dear morning bird
Keep ascending till your work's complete;
worth commending.
Till you land in the quarter of our maker
And hand him my letter, you are never stopping.
I know He'll pore over it to the last full stop
And give the best of riposte.

Equivalently, dear morning bird
On your return, make sure my reply does not fall off your beak or in anyway seized.
Travel faster!
Morning will soon pass
But I hope in your sooner return before sun sets.
Come back quickly and gladden my heart
with the soft words, ever yearning to hear from the heavenly realms.
I await you
Dear morning bird


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