If life is a dream, a mystery would be seen.
I would see the other version of myself in a conversation.
I would enjoy myself in reality, not in a vision.
I would draw proper plans and make a decision
To have an exciting world like a magician.
But sometimes, If life is a dream,
I would hurriedly wake up from it and sleep no longer so i escape the horrible nightmares of it;
The painful passing away of those we once sat with on the same table,
Those we ate with from the same bowl.
Truly, If life is a dream,
I would make those I enjoyed my life scenes with, feel at home.
I won’t let them go like my birthday month;
I would let them have a wonderful stay on earth,
So they wouldn’t be stalked again by death.
If indeed life is dream,
I would walk up straight to the heavens,
Shake hands and dine with Jesus,
Write a favourite poem for Him in stanzas,
Congratulating Him on His death for our salvation and redemption.
And to the devil, I would make him pay for his wrong doings, If life is a dream.
He would be banned forever and come never with his team.
The soul of him would be destroyed including his kingdom.
I would make him scream to an extreme-
where he would shout God is the only Supreme Being.
And so, if life is a dream,
Dream would be reality
And reality, dream.
We would live well within our own consciences and there would be nothing like actuality.
We would call upon all wishes to be
Than to go about each day and night working our fingers to the bone.
If life is a dream...



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